
De-Vangelism #7
Let's Talk About X Ba-by.

Well, as you know, Spacedog Spiff isn't the most driven person, so when he does a review, it's usually way after everyone else has. Asking you to keep that in mind, we introduce this week's rant: Spacedog Becomes the 8000th Person to Write a Column on Mac OS X.

When OS X was first introduced, I checked out all the screen shots, read all the specs, hell, I even downloaded the Kaleidoscope Scheme. Now, I'm not sure, but if you have the Kaleidoscope scheme of something, that automatically makes you an expert. Hell, that's how I got in the Jimi Hendrix Fan Club. Anyways, here are my thoughts on Aquafication:

1: The Gumdrop Buttons Aint Working For Me: What was wrong with the old
widgets? They were intuitive and pretty self explanatory. Now, I'll find myself
telling people things like "click the green dot. No, the GREEN one." Just what the
PC turds need; more ammo. Let's just hope Kaleidoscope gets updated by then...

2: Thassa Pretty Interface: Bad buttons aside, MacOS X is very easy on the eyes.
While PC folks consider fading colors in the title bar to be a major interface
improvement, MacOS just looks sleeker and sleeker. Comparing the two interfaces
is like comparing the animation quality of Fantasia and South Park. As long as the
Mac is the choice computer for artists, the interace will be superior.

3: .Suffix?: I can't help but notice the .app suffix on many applications, now, I
understand the purpose, use, and convenience of suffixes, but that doesn't mean I
like them. Not having to deal with these things has been one of the great points of
the Mac. You never find yourself telling your friends "Yeah, so I searched my C
drive and pulled out the two .ini and .bat files...hey baby, can I get your number?"
And while we're on the subject of females, let's go to #4

4: Will Chicks Dig It? Okay, anyone who's spent time around iMacs or iBooks
knows: Chicks dig the new look. So, will this new interface further attract the ladies?
If i took my iBook out iøn public sporting Aqua, would I score? Will my girlfriend kill
me when she reads this?

5: Is that UNIX in your Hard Drive, or Are You Just Happy to See Me? Every
report speaks of a big, ugly mess of system files. What effect will this have on
troubleshooting? If I download one of those weird virtual crabs or staplers or
hamsters or Homer Simpsons that conflicts with about every piece of useful
software I have, how long will it take me to pull out the problem files? Which raises
another question: Do I have any useful software?

6: What the Hell Is On the Bottom of the Screen? Call me crazy, but that bears a
striking resemblance to the big, clunky thing that lurks at the bottom of every PC:
The Start Menu. Now, I know that Microsoft ripped off the idea for the "Recycle
Bin," but couldn't Apple find a somewhat useful feature to copy?

Well, that's about all I have worth commenting on at the moment, as more is known about X, I'll write more.A If you have anything else you think I should know about, drop me an e-mail.

Spacedog's Sack: Okay this week's letter comes from Dave Lenz. Mr. Lenz writes:

"What will happen if Steve Jobs dies......"

I think we will get a lot of fruit flies....

What do you think?

It's not even a silly question because I was looking at some old and new pics of Jobs, and, let's be honest, he's not getting any younger!

Well, Mr. Lenz, I'm hoping that by then Woz will be president, and it won't really matter. Thanks for the letter. Do YOU want to be in Spacedog's Sack? Then send your e-mails to spacedog_spiff@hotbot.com

And now, it's time for,

The Crimson Shovel: Okay, this week's shovel goes to............Apple Insider! Let me tell you a little story about events that took place last week: With the success of the DP3 reports came various offers from other sites. One such site was Apple Insider. Apple Insider offered the MacOpz administrators $90 for each Mac OS X article they could pump out. When it was decided that MacOpz would NOT sell their content, Apple Insider accused MacOpz of being greedy, and publishing content just for money. Now, I decided to look into this, and I found that MacOpz has so far not made a dime. In fact, MacOpz would have made MORE money by whoring off their stories to Apple Insider than they did by retaining the rights. I also noticed a something else: MacOpz has ONE sponsor banner (Recently added to try and cover some of the costs of running this site. The main page of Apple Insider sports over FIVE banners. Now, who's more focused on money here?

But, don't worry guys, you'll still get something from MacOpz......CLANG!


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